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3D Compositing

Nuke’s 3D workspace allows you to set up a 3D composite for camera moves, set replacement, and other applications where you need to simulate a "real" dimensional environment.



Setting Up a Scene

Using the 3D Viewer

3D Scene Geometry

Built-in Geometry

Importing Geometry and Point Clouds from Other Applications

Creating Point Clouds and Geometry from Scratch

Object Display Properties

3D Selection Tools

Merging Objects

Modifying Object Shapes

Materials and Textures

Object Material Properties

Merging Shaders

Merging a Material with the Objects Behind

Replacing Material Channels with a Constant Color

Projecting Textures onto Objects

Importing UDIM Patches


Inserting Lights

Casting Shadows

Manipulating Object Normals

Relighting a 2D Image Using 3D Lights


Working with Cameras

Projection Cameras

Importing Cameras from FBX Files

Importing Cameras from Alembic Files

Importing Cameras from Boujou

Transforming Objects

Using the Transform Handles

Transforming from the Node Properties Panel

Transformations and the Pivot Point

Parenting to Axis Objects

Using the TransformGeo Node

Applying Tracks to an Object

Importing Transforms from FBX Files

Importing Transforms from Alembic Files

Adding Motion Blur to the 3D Scene

Adding Motion Blur Using ScanlineRender

Adding Motion Blur Using VectorBlur

Exporting Geometry, Cameras, Lights, Axes, or Point Clouds

Rendering a 3D Scene